
In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.



Radionics is a form of alternative therapy that is based on the use of a specialized device called a radionics machine or instrument. This device is believed to have the ability to detect and manipulate subtle energy fields that are believed to exist within and around the human body. The practice of radionics is based on the principle that every living organism has its own unique energetic signature or frequency, and that this frequency can be used to diagnose and treat a wide range of health conditions.

The radionics machine typically consists of a series of dials or knobs that are used to select specific frequencies or energy patterns. The practitioner will use the machine to detect imbalances or disruptions in the patient's energy field, and then use the machine to adjust or balance the patient's energy field by broadcasting specific frequencies or energy patterns.

While the practice of radionics is controversial and not widely accepted by the mainstream medical community, proponents of the therapy claim that it can be used to treat a wide range of health conditions, including chronic pain, allergies, digestive disorders, and even cancer.

The history of radionics dates back to the early 20th century, when the inventor Albert Abrams claimed to have developed a device that could diagnose and treat diseases by measuring a person's energy fields. Since then, numerous practitioners and inventors have developed their own versions of the radionics machine, each with their own unique features and capabilities.

Critics of radionics argue that the therapy is based on unproven and scientifically dubious theories, and that the machines themselves are little more than elaborate placebos. They also point out that there is little to no scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of radionics as a form of medical treatment.

Despite these criticisms, many people continue to use radionics as a complementary or alternative therapy, often in conjunction with more traditional forms of medical treatment. Proponents of the therapy argue that it can be used to address imbalances and disruptions in the body's energy fields, and that it can be a powerful tool for promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

In conclusion, radionics is a controversial form of alternative therapy that is based on the use of a specialized device to detect and manipulate the body's energy fields. While the practice of radionics is not widely accepted by the mainstream medical community, proponents of the therapy claim that it can be used to treat a wide range of health conditions. Despite the lack of scientific evidence to support its effectiveness, many people continue to use radionics as a complementary or alternative therapy, often in conjunction with more traditional forms of medical treatment.


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Rifat Hussain Hashmi

Prof. Dr. Rifat Hashmi

Acupuncturist | Homoeopath | CAM Therapist

I am available for consultation Teaching. Contact me and let's talk.

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31-B Zafar Nadeem Plaza
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+92 42 351 777 45
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+92 333 422 14 73