
In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.



Geomancy is an ancient divination practice that involves interpreting patterns in the earth. The practice is based on the idea that the earth has its own energy and that this energy can be used to provide guidance and insight.

Geomancy has been practiced in many cultures throughout history, including ancient Greece, Africa, and the Middle East. The practice involves creating patterns or symbols in the earth, and then interpreting these patterns to gain insight into the future or to answer specific questions.

The patterns used in geomancy can take many forms, including lines, dots, and shapes. These patterns can be created using a variety of materials, such as sand, soil, or stones.

To perform a geomancy reading, the practitioner first creates a series of patterns or symbols in the earth. The patterns are then interpreted using a set of rules or guidelines, which vary depending on the tradition or culture in which the practice is being used.

The interpretation of the patterns can provide insight into a variety of areas, including health, relationships, and finances. The practice can also be used to identify energy blockages or to determine the best course of action in a particular situation.

Many people find it to be a helpful tool for gaining insight and clarity. It is important to note that geomancy should not be used as a substitute for professional medical or psychological advice.

If you are interested in trying geomancy, there are many resources available online and in books. It is important to approach the practice with an open mind and a spirit of curiosity, and to be willing to experiment and explore different techniques.

Geomancy is an ancient form of divination that uses a set of 16 figures, known as the geomancy figures, to interpret patterns and energies in the natural world. Each figure is made up of four lines, either broken or unbroken, which can be combined in different ways to create a total of 16 unique figures. Each figure is associated with a specific set of attributes and meanings. Here is a list of the 16 geomancy figures and their attributes:

  • * Populus - associated with the element of Earth, and represents people, groups, and communities.
  • * Via - associated with the element of Water, and represents movement, change, and progress.
  • * Albus - associated with the element of Air, and represents purity, clarity, and intellect.
  • * Coniunctio - associated with the element of Water, and represents connections, partnerships, and relationships.
  • * Puella - associated with the element of Earth, and represents femininity, beauty, and attraction.
  • * Amissio - associated with the element of Air, and represents loss, endings, and letting go.
  • * Fortuna Major - associated with the element of Fire, and represents success, abundance, and good luck.
  • * Fortuna Minor - associated with the element of Fire, and represents setbacks, challenges, and obstacles.
  • * Caput Draconis - associated with the element of Water, and represents growth, expansion, and development.
  • * Cauda Draconis - associated with the element of Earth, and represents endings, completion, and closure.
  • * Laetitia - associated with the element of Air, and represents joy, celebration, and happiness.
  • * Tristitia - associated with the element of Water, and represents sadness, sorrow, and mourning.
  • * Carcer - associated with the element of Earth, and represents restriction, limitation, and confinement.
  • * Puer - associated with the element of Fire, and represents masculinity, strength, and vigor.
  • * Rubeus - associated with the element of Fire, and represents danger, conflict, and aggression.
  • * Acquisitio - associated with the element of Air, and represents acquisition, gain, and growth.

Each of the geomancy figures has its own unique set of attributes and meanings, which can be used to interpret the energies and patterns in the natural world. By understanding the attributes of each figure, a practitioner of geomancy can use the figures to gain insight into the past, present, and future , health conditions, suitable remedies, suitable food, and to make informed decisions about how to move forward in life.

Astonishing fact is that geomancy figures are binary computer language known to human for centuries before the start of computation.Here are the names of the geomancy figures along with their binary equivalents in the 01 format:

  • * Populus - 1111
  • * Via - 0000
  • * Albus - 1000
  • * Coniunctio - 0101
  • * Puella - 1110
  • * Amissio - 0001
  • * Fortuna Major - 1011
  • * Fortuna Minor - 0110
  • * Caput Draconis - 1001
  • * Cauda Draconis - 0111
  • * Laetitia - 1100
  • * Tristitia - 0010
  • * Carcer - 0100
  • * Puer - 1010
  • * Rubeus - 0011
  • * Acquisitio - 1101

Note that in the 01 format, a solid line represents a '1' and a broken line represents a '0'.


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Rifat Hussain Hashmi

Prof. Dr. Rifat Hashmi

Acupuncturist | Homoeopath | CAM Therapist

I am available for consultation Teaching. Contact me and let's talk.

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