
In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.

Bach Flower Remedies
Bach Flower Remedies

Bach Flower Remedies

Bach flower remedies are a type of alternative medicine that were developed in the 1930s by Dr. Edward Bach, a British physician and homeopath. The remedies are based on the belief that emotional imbalances can lead to physical illness, and that specific flowers and plants can be used to restore emotional balance and promote healing.

There are 38 different Bach flower remedies, each one derived from a specific flower or plant. Each remedy is believed to address a specific emotional state or personality trait, such as anxiety, grief, or self-doubt. The remedies are prepared by soaking flowers in water and then diluting the resulting solution in brandy. The diluted remedy is then administered orally, either directly under the tongue or mixed with water.

Bach flower remedies are used to treat a wide range of emotional and psychological issues, such as depression, anxiety, stress, and insomnia. They are also commonly used to support overall emotional wellness and promote a sense of calm and balance.

While Bach flower remedies are generally considered safe, it is important to seek the guidance of a trained practitioner before using them. Bach flower remedies should not be used as a replacement for conventional medical care, and individuals should always consult with their healthcare provider before beginning any new treatment regimen.

Overall, Bach flower remedies offer a natural and holistic approach to emotional and psychological wellness. By addressing emotional imbalances, these remedies can promote healing and support overall health and wellbeing.

Here is brief description of each remedy.

  • * Agrimony: for those who hide their pain behind a cheerful facade.
  • * Aspen: for those who experience vague or unknown fears and anxieties.
  • * Beech: for those who are overly critical, intolerant, or judgmental of others.
  • * Centaury: for those who have difficulty saying 'no' and often end up doing things for others at their own expense.
  • * Cerato: for those who lack confidence in their own judgment and often seek reassurance from others.
  • * Cherry Plum: for those who fear losing control of themselves and their actions.
  • * Chestnut Bud: for those who struggle to learn from past mistakes and repeat the same patterns of behavior.
  • * Chicory: for those who are overly possessive and controlling in their relationships with others.
  • * Clematis: for those who daydream and have a tendency to be absent-minded or ungrounded.
  • * Crab Apple: for those who feel unclean, ashamed, or obsessed with cleanliness.
  • * Elm: for those who feel overwhelmed and overburdened by their responsibilities.
  • * Gentian: for those who become discouraged or disheartened after setbacks or failures.
  • * Gorse: for those who have given up hope and feel resigned to their fate.
  • * Heather: for those who are self-absorbed and crave attention from others.
  • * Holly: for those who feel jealous, envious, or possessive of others.
  • * Honeysuckle: for those who dwell on the past and have difficulty living in the present.
  • * Hornbeam: for those who feel tired, lethargic, or unenthusiastic about life.
  • * Impatiens: for those who are impatient, irritable, or easily frustrated.
  • * Larch: for those who lack confidence and doubt their abilities to succeed.
  • * Mimulus: for those who have specific, known fears or phobias.
  • * Mustard: for those who experience depression or sadness for no apparent reason.
  • * Oak: for those who persist in their goals and responsibilities despite fatigue or illness.
  • * Olive: for those who are physically and mentally exhausted.
  • * Pine: for those who feel guilty or responsible for things that are not their fault.
  • * Red Chestnut: for those who worry excessively about the well-being of others.
  • * Rock Rose: for those who experience terror, panic, or extreme fear.
  • * Rock Water: for those who are rigid, self-denying, and overly self-disciplined.
  • * Scleranthus: for those who have difficulty making decisions or are indecisive.
  • * Star of Bethlehem: for those who have experienced trauma, shock, or grief.
  • * Sweet Chestnut: for those who feel despair and hopelessness in the face of extreme adversity.
  • * Vervain: for those who are intense, enthusiastic, and overly zealous about their beliefs.
  • * Vine: for those who are domineering, controlling, or authoritarian in their relationships.
  • * Walnut: for those who are going through transitions or changes in life and need support to adjust.
  • * Water Violet: for those who are reserved, aloof, or distant from others.
  • * White Chestnut: for those who have persistent, unwanted thoughts or mental chatter.
  • * Wild Oat: for those who feel unsure about their life's purpose or direction.
  • * Wild Rose: for those who feel apathetic, resigned, or indifferent about life.
  • * Willow: for feelings of resentment, bitterness, and self-pity.


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Rifat Hussain Hashmi

Prof. Dr. Rifat Hashmi

Acupuncturist | Homoeopath | CAM Therapist

I am available for consultation Teaching. Contact me and let's talk.

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